
365体育 在线 offers Certificate 程序s that 所有ow students to add to their knowledge and credentials outside of a traditional degree.

  • 酒精和药物咨询365体育投注证书

    证书: 酒精和毒品咨询
    部门: 咨询与学校心理学 
    课程级别: 365体育投注
    学分: 15学时
    交付格式: 在线
    先决条件: Completed mental health license or active enrollment in a 程序 leading toward licensure as a mental health counselor

    The 酒精和毒品咨询 certificate offers courses required for Alcohol and Drug Counselor licensure 所有owing clinical mental health counseling students and Mental Health professionals in the field to gain the education necessary to hold this specialty license. 完成证书后, students will have the knowledge and ability to apply ethical standards of the profession. 学生 will develop a cultur所有y diverse population perspective of addiction counseling including interventions to treat various client populations, 理解成瘾和成瘾行为的理论, 并能演示个人和团体咨询理论的应用, 评估, 面试技巧, 解决客户关注的问题. 

    Coursework is pre-approved to lead to licensure in the state of Nebraska; those residing elsewhere should check that the course requirements are the same to obtain licensure in their state or country. 



    要求 (15学时*)

    取 所有 下列的:

    CSP 807P -成瘾咨询中的临床治疗问题(3学时)
    CSP 808P -成瘾评估,案例规划和管理(3学时)
    CSP 809P -成瘾的医学和社会心理方面(3学时)
    CSP 885 -咨询与指导实习(3学时)
    CSP 892 -临床心理健康咨询实习(3学时)


  • 通信教学发展365体育投注证书

    证书: 沟通教学发展
    部门: 沟通
    课程级别: 365体育投注
    学分: 18学时
    交付格式: 在线

    The graduate certificate in 沟通教学发展 was created to enhance students’ ability to teach communication in a variety of settings, 适合在职教师, 教育学生, or those with a master's degree looking for a qualification to teach public speaking or similar introductory classes at the college level. 该证书还可与365体育的公共通信M一起堆叠.A. 程序.

    适合教育学生和专业人士, the certificate will provide skills to teach these classes and lead clubs effectively and an additional qualification to distinguish them from other applicants for similar positions. 适用于已完成365体育投注学位的教育专业学生和专业人士, 此外,该证书还允许他们教授双招生课程, which will provide high school students with college credit and improve their desirability to potential employers. 教育或传媒专业硕士365体育投注, this certificate will further provide the necessary qualification to teach public speaking or other similar introductory communication classes as a lecturer, 教练, 或者在大多数两年制和四年制院校兼职, 进一步拓展学生的就业前景.



    spch802 -传播学365体育投注导论
    SPCH 830 -传播学教学
    SPCH 855P -沟通训练 & 咨询



  • 幼儿家庭倡导者证书

    证书: 幼儿家庭倡导者证书
    部门: 家庭研究与室内设计
    学历水平: 本科
    学分: 15学时
    交付格式: 在线

    The Early Childhood Family Advocate certificate is designed for those who are employed or interested in early childhood 程序s as family advocates (such as those found in Head Start 程序s) and preschool/childcare settings. 本证书将帮助学生了解儿童的健康发展, 身体上的社会, 在情感上, 和智力上. It will also help students to support healthy family relationships and understand the dynamics that occur between parents and their children. The certificate will help students develop skills that facilitate family life education. 学生 will learn how to coordinate services and resources in the community and will be able to identify how to promote school readiness for children and encourage family self-advocacy.



    FAMS 251 - 0-8岁发育中的儿童
    FAMS 406 -家庭资源管理
    FAMS 476 -儿童 & 家庭家访
    TE 347 -识字方法,从出生到三岁


  • 专业销售证书

    证书: 专业销售证书
    部门: 营销/管理信息系统
    学历水平: 本科
    学分: 12学时
    交付格式: 在线

    The 专业销售证书 is designed for those who are interested in developing or enhancing their over所有 sales knowledge to either pursue a career in sales or to advance themselves in the field of professional sales. 这可能包括不攻读学位的学生, 工作的专业人士, 或者正在攻读学位的学生.  The primary goal of the certificate is to focus on business-to-business sales and to prepare students for the sales force with the skills to utilize limited resources efficiently and effectively, 以及理解和正确实施营销策略. The certificate will also provide students with customer service skills at the optimum level, helping them utilize the appropriate information sources and Customer Relation Management (CRM) software knowledge. 学生将精通整个销售流程, 发展各种有效的销售技巧, 并获得知道何时在适应性销售中使用它们的能力. 该证书取自B级课程.S. 工商管理.



    MKT 300 -市场营销原则
    MKT 331 -专业销售
    MKT 437/837P -销售管理

    选择 一个 下列课程:

    838p -消费者行为
    MKT 460/860P -产品管理
    MKT 336 -服务营销
    MKT 430 -国际市场营销

  • 公共历史毕业证书

    证书: 公共历史
    部门: 历史 
    课程级别: 365体育投注
    学分: 15学时
    交付格式: 在线

    The 在线 公共历史 graduate certificate helps meet an expanding societal need for professionals who can connect historical concepts to people and communities. 该课程为学生提供历史研究和分析方面的专业知识, 公共历史理论, 实践经验, 以及公众宣传.

    Program completion will 所有ow students to 1) effectively communicate historical ideas to multiple audiences, 2) understand the theoretical underpinnings of public history as a field and the key debates surrounding the evolution of the field, and 3) articulate ethical and professional standards that inform public history and its subdisciplines. 公共历史学家经常在历史学会找到工作, 博物馆, 社区组织, 和学术界. This certificate also provides graduate-level coursework for educators who are interested in continuing their education while advancing on the salary schedule.


    要求 (9学时*)

    所有 下列的:

    HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:公共历史(3学时)
    HIST 868P -数字历史(3学时)
    HIST 875 -历史实习(3学时)

    选修课 (6学时*)

    Select 6学时 摘自以下内容:

    HIST 848 – Readings in American 历史: Museum and Historic Site Interpretation (3 credit hours)
    HIST 848 – Readings in American 历史: 公共历史 政府 (3 credit hours)
    HIST 848 – Readings in American 历史: 公共历史 in the National Parks (3 credit hours)
    HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:历史与记忆(3学时)
    HIST 848 -美国历史阅读:口述历史(3学时)


  • 西班牙语365体育投注证书

    证书: 西班牙语
    部门: 现代语言
    课程级别: 365体育投注
    学分: 18学时
    交付格式: 在线

    The 在线 西班牙语 graduate certificate 程序 provides students with the knowledge and skills to develop a deeper understanding of 西班牙语 through the study of language, 文学与文化. 具有广泛的课程主题和学习机会, students may personalize the 程序 to best meet their personal and professional interests. Program completion will 所有ow students to gain enhanced marketability to thrive in today's competitive job market. This certificate also provides graduate-level coursework for educators who are interested in continuing their education while advancing on the salary schedule. However, 程序 completion does not grant certification to teach 西班牙语 in K-12 schools.


    要求 (18学时*)

    Select 18学时 当然,从以下工作:

    SPAN 805 -西班牙语结构(3学时)
    SPAN 815 -当代西班牙思想研讨会(3学时)
    SPAN 816 -当代拉丁美洲散文写作研讨会(3学时)
    SPAN 818 -当代戏剧研讨会(3学时)
    SPAN 840 -半岛文学和文化主题(3学时)
    SPAN 845 -拉丁美洲文学和文化主题(3学时)
    SPAN 850 -美国话题.S. 拉丁裔/墨西哥裔文学与文化(3学时)
    SPAN 875 -海外365体育投注学习(3学时)
    SPAN 876 -海外365体育投注学习(3学时)
    SPAN 880 -专业发展(3学时)
    SPAN 897 -西班牙语指导阅读(3学时)
    SPAN 898 -专题(3学时)
    SPAN 899 -西班牙语独立研究(3学时)
